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good to see you're still nuts!

Added: April 11, 2008
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You are INSANE :-)

Added: April 11, 2008
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I wish something like this would have existed when I was single.

Added: April 7, 2008
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This is a wonderful service for single CF people.

I ran across something the other day on some "Dear Abby" type site where the question that was asked and the various answers were rather telling regarding general attitudes about dating sites and kids. The woman asked, "What does it mean when men put "no children" on their profiles?". Okay, this seems like a no brainer, right? Well, according to the variety of answers from men, apparently it's not such a cut and dried issue. It looks like some people just do NOT "get it". Among the answers were as follows.

1) It means that it's ok if you already have kids, but I just don't want any of my own.

2) It means that I already have kids, and it's ok if you do, i just don't want them to tag along on our dates.

3) It means that I don't currently have kids and I don't want the woman I marry to already have any either, but i do want us to have kids together one day.

4) It means that I don't want to date a woman with children, because I don't want to raise another man's child, but it's different if you are a widow with children.

5) It means what it says. I don't have kids, I don't want to date a woman who has kids, and I never want to have any kids with anyone.

IdoNOTwantKids reply: Great point! I just added that precise question to the site to avoid any possibility of misunderstanding.

Please update/edit your profile(s) accordingly.

PS: It is listed under 'kid questions' when you select 'edit your profile'

Added: April 7, 2008
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I think this site is a great idea...I don't hate kids or anything...but never wanted them...was like i never want to grow up and have a baby....animal lover...preferred my horse and stuffed meet like minded guys...yay thanks!!!

Added: April 6, 2008
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"Soon we will have a section where you can watch doctors kill live babies right after being born."

I would actually WANT to see that and I can recommend a couple of breeder babies you can start with !!!!

Added: April 5, 2008
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Best of luck with your site. I freaking hate kids too and don't want any. Unfortunately, I've been off the market for almost 15 years now.

You'll find someone. You have awesome in your blood.

Added: April 4, 2008
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Why do people who have kids feel so damn uncomfortable about the existence of websites that bring together people who don't want kids? Concerned that we'll eventually organise politically and depose sacred-cow "families" and their taxpayer-subsidised lives from the top of the demographic tree? Jealous that we get to enjoy our lives in peaceful homes "getting away with" avoiding the drudgery of childrearing? Get used to it. We've always been out there, and now, courtesy of the 'Net, we know that we're not freaks and that we're far from alone. Another decade and non-nuclear-family househoulds will be a significant voting force for politicians to take notice of, too.

Having or not having kids is one of those questions for which there's no compromise ground, and the creation of resources to help childfree folks find each other is to be commended.


Added: April 4, 2008
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Neat site - I only just now found out about it.

Added: April 2, 2008
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I just wanted to let you know that I think your idea is a fabulous one. It's definitely worth perusing and advertising. Once word gets out it could really be a winner.

Added: April 1, 2008
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