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Maybe I am wrong. I think it might be Login Time > Descending to see the most recent profiles that logged in.

Added: August 17, 2023
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This is a note to myself. I am pretty sure that to see who was Last Online (at the top), I need to select Descending. But I'm not sure if I should select Online or Login Time. A female from the United Kingdom recently created a profile. If I select Online, she shows up as the 17th search result on Page 1 of 4 (for United Kingdom females). If I select Login Time, she shows up as the 1st search result on Page 1 of 44 (for United Kingdom females). My guess is that I should select Login Time. But these are some strange search parameters. What the hell is Login Time? That could mean anything. Like how many hours a person has been logged in. If it means most recently logged in, then isn't it redundant to have that when we can already select Online? And if Login Time is the same as Online, then why was she the 17th search result on one and the 1st on the other?

Added: March 19, 2023
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My biggest complaint about the website is that the search features need improved. If I click on the "Open Search" button with my saved search selected, it not only does not load my saved search but it does something funny where the preferred age range changes from 18 to 18 years old. Because I can't load saved searches, I just gave up and deleted them. I can't open "View My Profile" links (from the search results page) in new tabs. It would make things so much nicer if I could just open up profiles in new tabs. I have to open the profile in the same browser tab and then press the browser back button when I am done viewing which results in a "Document Expired. This document is no longer available." page. If I hit the browser back button a second time, it takes me back to search results page but then I lose my filter settings. So if I had selected sort by Online, Descending it will reset to Username, Ascending. Also, I have no idea how to view the most recently active profiles. Do I sort by Online, Ascending or Online, Descending? It would be nice if the profiles had a "Last Login" date, so I know which sorting method to use.

Other than that, I think that the website is just as good or bad as any other dating site. It's great that it is only for people who don't want kids, but a tiny part of me is worried that the site is a "ha ha" joke. But then again, the site owner is paying the server costs and put a lot of work into the site, so I think that it isn't a joke. That it is legit. The website organization and layout is good. It has nice features like being able to see the newest profiles, see who has viewed you, and the ability to add profiles to favorites. Oh, and membership is free for a really, really long time. But I saw what could be a lot of fake profiles. A lot of people wrote their age in their about me section, but their listed profile age was 10-15 years older. I did see someone interesting who looked like a real person, so I looked them up online and found their Twitter. She was a real person, but she said that her profile was created ages and ages ago. Her email address that she used to register for the site no longer existed. She was like "oh that picture is super old, I was so skinny back then!" and sure enough she looked like she gained 50 lbs. I haven't gotten a single view from anyone, and the website just looks dead. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 5,000 female profiles and they all belonged to females who haven't logged in for over five years. I could overlook that if the search features were fixed. Because then profile searching would be a lot easier and more fun and I could enjoy myself by viewing various profiles.

Added: January 3, 2023
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Indeed David, you don't qualifY.
Breeders go elsewhere.
There are too many of you anyway, and at over 7 billion, we don't need that as the driver of hunger, pollution, traffic congestion, water shortage, paving over the world, "congested" cities, factory farming, destruction of rainforest, "urban sprawl", crime, hostility, extintion, loss of ocean life, starvztion, global warming, sewage overlaod, crime,nhostility, starvation, lack of respect for the elders, landfill, scarcity of resources, competition, industrial overload and greed, abusive parenting, general low quality of people in favor of quantity, "life is cheap", and the everpresent "fight against hunger" with too damn many people.

Added: June 1, 2019
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Someone recommended this site to me as I am thinking about dating again. I am 50 I have a son that is 25 and lives in another state, but maybe I don't qualify because of this?

And this site looks straight out of the 90's and designed by a 10 year old? lots of adds and just looks horrid. Someone needs to redesign this to current standards. Yikes.

Added: July 24, 2018
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When I looked a few years ago, there were a bunch of disgruntled hate mai!s.
In fact I replied to them!

Though I don't find a way to reply now, or maybe I just posted referring to it there was no need to. The whole first page I scrolled through was supportive mail in agreement.


-- A member for 10 years

Yes, there are too few in your state to make it a functional dating site. So don't use it as one! Use it to interact, see fellow childfree people, and have fun!

Added: July 9, 2018
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I met my long-term boyfriend on this website.

The website needs to be advertised more. Frequently advertise this group in the childfree groups on Facebook, childfree reddit, and other forums. Don't delete our messages after 30 days. Not everyone pays attention to the email alerts and many people only login to the site once every few months at the most.

Added: July 7, 2018
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I met my long-term boyfriend on this website.

The website needs to be advertised more. Frequently advertise this group in the childfree groups on Facebook, childfree reddit, and other forums. Don't delete our messages after 30 days. Not everyone pays attention to the email alerts and many people only login to the site once every few months at the most.

Added: July 7, 2018
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The childfree lifestyle is becoming more popular, according to this article from the Washington Post: an-women-are-deciding-not-to-have-kids/2018/05/31/89793784-64de-11e8-a768-e d043e33f1dc_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.c09e3b0e5fbb

Added: June 10, 2018
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Looks like this would be a great site " BUT " there is no women in my area and just a very few in my State-- To bad.

Added: June 6, 2018
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