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Thank you for creating this site. I do not know much about creating websites, or the cost... But... Could you add a setting that allows us to make it so that others cannot see if we viewed their profile or not?

IdoNOTwantKids reply: Thanks VERY much for your feedback.

Ironically, I created the feature to let people see who viewed their profile based on other feedback/requests I received asking for that very feature... Hence, it seems that some people like the feature and some don't.. so no matter what I do, I'm kind of stuck. Sorry.

Added: October 14, 2014
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Profiles don't open. Why is that? You need to have someone who knows what they're doing tear down and rebuild this site. White background is hideous to start off with, and profiles need more pictures. :!shake: :!bug: :!bug:

IdoNOTwantKids reply: Thanks for your feedback.

Via the request of prior feedback, I had each profile "open" when you click on it. However, since you evidently are having trouble having the profiles "open," I have a hunch it is because your java is disabled and/or popups are blocked. Nonetheless, I just disabled this "open" option and now all profiles will be displayed without having to "open" a new page.

As for your feedback as to the graphics, ironically, I previously changed the graphics numerous times. I was receiving LOTS of complaints about how the graphics looked so I changed them. Now I receive lots of complaints that the old graphics were better. Hence, I now have a standing offer to the planet:

If somebody can make better graphics/improvements to the site, then PLEASE do so. I even had the site randomly display different graphic themes to try and make everybody happy but I received complaints about that also since people were getting confused.

Since this site is 100% free, and actually costs me money to run, I unfortunately don't have the financial wherewithal to hire people to make the site how every person wants it and I'm admittedly a complete novice. I merely created this site because I found a need for it. Indeed, I have been banned from places (i.e. speed dating, Eharmony, etc.), all because I say upfront that I do NOT have or want kids so I created to eliminate the absurdity/BS and have a place for those select few that do NOT have or want kids - ever.

Nonetheless, if somebody out there is familiar with php/websites/etc and can help improve the site, then PLEASE do feel free to make contributions to the site. It would be enormously appreciated.

Lastly, as for your suggestion to allow more pictures, this site originally did allow that. However, I found that most people were uploading a number of useless photos (i.e. motorcycles, pets, cars, etc). Hence, rather than waste storage space, I decided to allow only ONE picture. It also makes monitoring BS photos soooooo much easier to spot/delete. I generally delete several profiles every day. Lastly, I really tried to eliminate a LOT of the BS found on most dating sites. The way I figure it, does a person REALLY need to see numerous photos of the same person? Either you are interested in them or you aren't. For example, if a person said to me that they wouldn't meet unless they saw MORE photos of me, then I'd just conclude that they evidently aren't all that interested in meeting since they already know what I look like from my one photo.

Added: October 8, 2014
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Reason for cancelling: I am now married!

Added: September 24, 2014
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Reason for cancelling: I do not like the web vulgar and depressing :) Good luck !

Added: August 11, 2014
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Reason for cancelling: shitty design - you better take money for membership, but create something not so awful.

Added: July 30, 2014
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Reason for cancelling: Hi there! I found my girl! Your website helped make that happen! Thank you! I do hope the membership goes up and it becomes more successful.

Added: July 29, 2014
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I just wanted to thank you for creating this website! Sometimes people look at me like I have 5 heads when I tell them I don't want kids. I hope to find someone special who truly feels the same here. You've given me hope! *KISSING*



Added: July 26, 2014
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Thank you for this site! I'm SO glad it exists...just wish there were a few hundred thousand members!

Added: July 10, 2014
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"I'm a full time practicing attorney who is lucky if I can program my old VCR correctly."

You started the thing for the exact same reasons I did: To meet someone whilst being too busy to go out hunting! What we have established is you're not a programmer BUT I was. I wrote the software for my site from scratch. I was in the I.T. field for 15 years as a Senior Unix Administrator in places like MetLife, Dreyfus, Canon USA, the NYPD, Hofstra Univ, Silicon Graphics, Verizon, etc.

Your site has some dysfunctional issues in that I am not seeing things on screen your prior post embellishes on plus the screen "repaint" times are incredibly SLOW, I've used other sites and this doesn't appear to be an issue elsewhere.

Don't ASSUME a user doesn't know what they're talking about! As for your site... it's about as well-traveled as an unmaintained road in bumb-fucked Kentucky with 2' potholes! At least I get notes and conversation on OKcupid, here.... NOTHING!

IdoNOTwantKids reply: David,

You obviously do NOT like You obviously think you can run a better site. Cool! Please feel free to create a better site. I look forward to using it. No sense using site since you obviously don't like it. Take care and thanks for the feedback. :)

PS: As for DanceLuvr, I can see her profile. I wouldn't be surprised if she banned you. You are full of such joy and appreciation -- I can't imagine why she would do that. As for the site that you evidently ran in the PAST, it evidently is no longer online. Evidently it wasn't so successful. Imagine that. Take care.

Added: June 10, 2014
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Piece of CRAP and I'm in the postion to know, since I too owned one of these things during college, so I could have regular dates while in school.

Anyway, a charming lady viewed my profile 3x but left no note or anything. Figured I'd contact her but oops, she's in my banned list! Did I ban her? No, not intentionally at least. Maybe I hot the wrong button and did it BUT the site does NOT allow un-banning. Matter of fact, the lady is NOT even listed in the "People I have Banned" section.
NOBODY is listed there as BANNED and yet I cannot email this particular woman, I had to setup an entirely NEW account and contact her.

PLUS, the site is SLOWER THAN DRIPPING SNOT, as I stated in my prior post. "Don't complain, it's a free service"... I don't wanna read that BS, you TEST your shit before activsating it or you don't bother running it in the first place!

FIX IT, the site is marginally functional at best.

OH and you ALWAYS have to type ABCDE and 17047 below, anyone could HACK past that! Later

IdoNOTwantKids reply: Ah... What an absolute joy to see how appreciative some folks in the childfree community are in exchange for me running a free website that actually costs me money to run.

As for how to remove people from the banned list that YOU added (evidently by mistake), you simply click "People Who Have Banned Me" and when it shows you the list, you click "remove." I JUST confirmed the feature also works fine.

PS: I'm a full time practicing attorney who is lucky if I can program my old VCR correctly. Regardless, the site is a hobby/attempt to help the childfree community while I learn another skill. My invitation for anybody on the planet to help make this site better is always open regardless if it is by making better graphics, better programming, or whatever. Thus far, the ONLY supposed help I have received is complaints and criticism. How wonderful.

Kind of funny if you ask me. :D

Added: June 7, 2014
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