Comments: hi i quess you dont want kids but how about yorkies
what a person to have such qualities
arogance and ingnorace in one person
hope you find your love
Added: July 23, 2008
Submitted by Name: Andrew Subject: Canada
Comments: From the time I was in Gr 9 I knew that I didn't want kids. Once when I was 22 years old a woman old enough to be my grandmother told me I would change my mind. Later on a pregnate woman with 2 kids already told me the same thing when I was 28. I informed her about what happened when I was 22. At 28, that feeling hasn't changed.
I have been trying to get fixed from the time I was 25, and have been telling the doctor(s) that I shouldn't have kids for medical reasons (reasons that are true) they still have refusen to give me the referal I need to see the right doctor to get fixed.
Alot of girls world-wide still refuse to be told that just becaue you are female doesn't mean you are auto-matically qualified to be a parent. Just because you don't have kids doesn't mean that will make you less of a woman. I find it very honourable when a woman tells another woman especially their mothers that they don't think they should have kids.
Thankyou for reading this.
Added: July 23, 2008
Submitted by Name: g.
Comments: hahahahahahahahahah site is hysterical. Im not the girl for you (I HAVE kids lol) although I can totally understand how you feel about coupon books and girls who dont pay their way lol.
I think your site is really funny and I hope you find the girl of your dreams (although you do place a lot of restrictions on what your looking for).
Ok well HAPPY HUNTING and your a cutie by the way!!!
Added: July 21, 2008
Submitted by Name: Iheartursmile
Comments: I think the guy should pick up the check 95% of the time and pay for vacation. Why?? b/c this is how men have treated me in the past. Good luck on here.
Added: July 15, 2008
Submitted by Name: Beth Subject: Earth
Comments: This site rules!!
Added: July 15, 2008
Submitted by Name: redjersey
Comments: This is one of the FUNNIEST and painfully TRUE website dating idea sites I have ever seen. Genius!!
Added: July 15, 2008
Submitted by Name: Bob
Comments: Bullseye! This is definitely an idea that IS long. long, overdue.
Added: July 10, 2008
Submitted by Name: Beth
Comments: It's about time for a site like this! I have never wanted kids. I do not like the older ones, and babies are pretty gross. When I was young, I had pressure from all sorts of people - including guys I was dating who I had been completely up front about this desire - who would pressure me into giving it some thought, and when I refused, would tell me, "I just can't be with someone who doesn't like children, as I want to be a father." My reactions were some anger and some, "Good Riddance". This is a very important thing to agree upon with your life partner, especially when one is of an age to be creating new little darlings. I don't want to join the site as I've been married now for less than a year - to someone who loves the idea of children - but at least the son he has is 21 years old. Keep up the good work! I certainly hope your site is wildly successful! I hope that it can help spare some others some of this grief of dating partners who won't listen until things have gotten serious.
Girls that don't want kids are such a rare catch, it seems. Especially in my situation. I live in the swamps of Missouri, so it seems to be custom to have kids here. Not I, though.
Added: July 6, 2008
Submitted by Name: Safeflower Subject: USA
Comments: I like the changes to the website. It just keeps getting better! Thanks again!
Name: 1hellokitty
hi i quess you dont want kids but how about yorkies
what a person to have such qualities
arogance and ingnorace in one person
hope you find your love