Comments: This website was my dream too. I mean I didn't had the sufficient money and knowledge to start such a website otherwise I would have also created it.
The website's title is 'I do not want kids'. My idea is why to concentrate on what I don't want. Why not to think about what I want. Wouldn't it be more appealing to say 'I want a childfree spouse' or 'I want a childfree life partner' or 'I want a life partner without kids'.
'Childfree' is a very appropriate word for those who don't have / want kids. Why don't Mr. Christopher ever use it.
I have searched for your (creator's) profile on this website but I could not locate. At the same time from your other web pages you seem to be so desperate to find that special one.
You want that special one from New Jersey only. With such a constraint, what is the need of using Internet. OK, you mean, other people from different countries can date if they want to.
I liked you so much that I wanted to contribute in the 'running of this website'. But you have not mentioned any means to donate (I don't want to purchase any game, I am not fond of them).
Thanks Deepika
Added: May 23, 2008
Submitted by Name: M.
Comments: Finally, a dating site that truly gets it! Honestly, if this site hadn't turned up in my search, I would have been plotting to make one like it. I have been getting very tired of other sites and the people that contact me telling me why I'll always be alone since "everyone" has kids, or how maybe if the kid is grown that doesn't count somehow. They just don't get the concept! Now if only someone would start a chain of child-free restaurants and stores too!
Comments: Whao! This website is great. Me too looking for a childfree life partner from the last 5 years. But Mr. Christopher how can I contact you directly. You are not responding to any of my e-mails. Deepika
Added: May 18, 2008
Submitted by Name: U.
Comments: Neat Idea!
Added: May 16, 2008
Submitted by Name: visitor
Comments: This is a FANTASTIC idea... finally a place for non-breeders!!
Comments: Love this site! Round here you can get groupstalked for saying you don't want kids -- I know because they did it to me. But eff 'em. CF people are the best.
Added: May 12, 2008
Submitted by Name: Bob
Comments: Chris, thanks so much for the site. Now "we" (the child free) can finally find each other. I love the games too!!
Added: May 11, 2008
Submitted by Name: Anunciatta
Comments: v, there is an international social group for both singles and couples without children. Check out the site to see if there is a local chapter near you. If there isn't you can start your own.
Name: Me
RE: NOT wanting kids
I thought I was the only one!