** Custom Van **



I owned this custom van many years ago when I was in high school. I found it at a car show in Englishtown, NJ, years ago for sale and I absolutely loved it. It was my very first vehicle! I kept it for another 13+ years thereafter. I added hundreds of lights, musical horns and anything else I could think of. Via the van's age and a lot of rust that was starting to occur from sitting around all those years while I was in school, I reluctantly decided to sell the van.


Here is what the van looked like when I owned it:




















I always regretted selling the van. Every single time I would bump into somebody from school, they would always ask, "Whatever happened to Cloud Dancer?" They never asked about me or how I was doing. Instead they would ask about this awesome van -- which I always chuckled about. I, however, never knew the answer. Hence, about 15 years later (in 2013), I decided to try and find "Cloud Dancer." People said it was impossible to find. Most predicted that it was dead, rusted out and/or in a junkyard.


It took many months, BUT....


Click the link so see what "Cloud Dancer" looks like now:



You can always contact me at www.PUZZELE.com (which is my last name)